Definition: Hors d’oeuvres are small, tasty foods served before a meal, often at cocktail parties or receptions. The term comes from the French phrase hors d’œuvre, which literally translates to “outside of work”. I don’t know about you, but I always struggle spelling this word (and I even took French in High School – embarrassing)!
Practical Use & Tips: I recommend a minimum of 3 passed Hors d’oeuvres at cocktail hour. Typically this means one piece per guest (so a total of 3 pieces per guest).
I personally think you get more bang-for-your-buck with passed Hors d’oeuvres as opposed to stationed appetizers for one simple reason. When your guests are standing, the gaze of their eyes is toward the person they are talking to. They aren’t going to see a table of food 30” off the ground unless they are milling about looking for it. Don’t spend money on a table display of food that no one is going to see!
A few other things to consider:
- There is a reason they are small! Think about size when making your selection. One-bite is ideal, or if two-to-three bites, make sure it’s not messy when you take multiple bites.
- Select a range of options to cover gluten free and vegetarian guests.
- I usually recommend one vegetarian option + a mix of proteins (beef, chicken, fish / shrimp).
- Think about the season. If it’s hot outside, people want lighter options. In the winter, feel free to go heavier.